Friday 10 June 2016

How to Create video Thumbnailer in rails

                      How to Create video Thumbnailer in rails

                     1.     In model you have to write 
                             mount_uploader :video, AvatarUploader
                      2.   write gem in your gemfile
                              gem 'carrierwave' 
                              gem 'carrierwave-video-thumbnailer' 
                      3.  and install dependance for thumbnailer
                              sudo apt-get install ffmpegthumbnailer
                    4.   write code in your uploader folder
                      include CarrierWave::Video  # for your video processing
                      include CarrierWave::Video::Thumbnailer

                      version :thumb do
    process thumbnail: [{format: 'png', quality: 10, size: 192, strip: false, logger: Rails.logger}]
    def full_filename for_file
      png_name for_file, version_name

  def png_name for_file, version_name

Note : strip  should be false for thumbnailer , go to public folder -> tmp->video -> 1-> you can file thumbnailer in your folder

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